Residential Window Film

Great Lakes Window Tinting provides expert service and installation for Residential projects such as Bathroom Privacy, Heat / Fading issues and Security / Severe Weather Protection. We have 15 years of experience working with Home Owners with the utmost care and professionalism. Quality and timely service continues to be our focus to ensure our customers satisfaction.

               Glare Reduction

If you’ve ever sat down to watch a sports game or movie but were interrupted because you had to draw the shades or found yourself straining your eyes just to see the screen, then you know the frustration that too much glare can cause. That’s what makes glare reduction window film a great choice for your homes. Glare reduction window film eliminates glare on TV screens, computers, and electronics in your home to make watching TV or working on the computer easier and more enjoyable for your family.

Left Side Tinted


Fading is inevitable and the same applies whether it is caused by exposure to intensive sunlight for a short time or a long exposure to the weaker light of cloudy overcast days.  The sun’s damage can be especially harmful, because, in spite of our cloudy winter months, damage from fading still continues.


Visible light and infra-red heat are other factors that contribute to fading, which is why effective film installations must harness all three sunlight elements. Ultraviolet light rays bounce off solid objects-buildings, trees, streets, etc. Therefore regardless of a window’s compass orientation, you can still have a fading problem. Natural fibers like silk or wool are less fade resistant than synthetic fibers. Antiques, tapestries, rugs, etc., use less stable dyes and will fade more quickly. Fluorescent dyes are less color stable than other colors.